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Deniale Urbina

Deniale Urbina

Training Coordinator

Acoma Pueblo

Deniale Urbina (Acoma Pueblo) is the Training Coordinator for Advance Native Political Leadership. She supports the development of a robust, connected, and well-prepared trainer network to support Native Leadership Institute training and events, as well as serves as a trainer and facilitator herself.

Deniale is passionate about Indigenizing systems. Whether through her previous work in higher education, social work, or military service, her passion lies in advocating for the increased representation of Natives within social structures never intended for them. She aims to empower the next generation of Native leaders to build community and become a unified voice for Indigenous peoples everywhere.

Deniale is an inaugural fellow with California Native Vote Project’s Native Power Building Fellowship and national fellow for the Council on Social Work Education’s 2021-2022 Minority Fellowship Program. She holds an M.S.W. from Simmons University and B.A. in International Development Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.

In her free time, Deniale loves to travel with her partner and two dogs in what she calls her “Pueblopod,” a refurbished travel trailer lovingly painted in Acoma designs by her mom.